All Therapy Services Make the Top 100!
Congratulations on your career choice to become a school based therapist! According to the US News and World Reports (100 Best Jobs), Speech-Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy rank within the top 25 best jobs in 2019, with School Psychologist, School Counselor, and Child and Family Social Worker within the top 100. For some background information, US News ranks jobs first by the number of opening expected from 2016 to 2026. The resulting jobs are then ranked on seven component measures:
- Median salary
- Employment rate
- 10-year growth percentage
- Future job prospects
- Stress level
- Work-life balance
The results of these components provide the top 25 best jobs of the year.
According to this list, Occupational Therapy was ranked in the 13th spot with an unemployment rate of 0.5%. The employment demand is expected to rise by 23.8%. This will lead to 31,000 additional jobs by 2026.
Speech-Language Pathology took position 23. The unemployment rate was only 0.8%. And by 2026, demand is expected to rise by 17.8%. This will result in an additional 25,900 jobs.
School Psychologist is ranked 45. The unemployment rate for this position is 0.9%. There is an estimated 21,000 additional jobs by 2026 with an employment growth of 14.3%.
The School Counselor position ranked 63. The unemployment rate is the highest of these five at 2.2%. The employment growth is between 2016 and 2026 is 12.6%, creating an estimated 36,700 jobs.
Child and Family Social Worker ranked 78 with an unemployment rate of 1.7%. By 2026, there will be an estimated 45,000 additional jobs, but the employment growth is only expected to be 14.2%.
For more information, check out the link below.