All of our services include providing therapists, onboarding help, EMR systems, and much more.
We provide access to the licensed therapist(s)/provider(s) you need and absorb hidden costs you may not consider. These include:
You and your team are never alone. Our team helps you at every step of onboarding and we can provide weekly check-ins ensure sure your sessions are running smoothly.
Lighthouse Therapy provides a wide array of assessments and testing protocols. By having Lighthouse cover these costs, you can stretch your budget further. You can view a list of our Speech, OT and Behavioral and Mental Health assessments.
We make integrating teletherapy services easy. As long as your student(s) have a computer or tablet, we have all the necessary tech to get your students online.
When you hire a therapist
The school pays for:
Recruiting the therapist
Clinical support staff
Assessments and protocols
Software and tools for the therapist
You pay for one person and have to pay for everything else.
When you hire Lighthouse
Lighthouse covers:
Recruiting the therapist
Clinical support staff
Assessments and protocols
Software and tools for the therapist
You get a team. We absorb the cost for everything else.
You’ll speak with Andee Szwabowski, our Director of Sales. She’s an SLP, knowledgeable, and really nice.
Some things are outside of our control, but we work with what's inside our control to give you the best possible outcomes.
Now that pricing is cleared up. You may be wondering what services Lighthouse Therapy offers or what services are right for your school? Below is a list of our services along with links to pages that explain more about each service catagory.
Congratulations, you made it to the bottom of the page. This is your sign. You’re interested. So let's talk.
Give us a call! You’ll speak with Janet Courtney, our Founder and CEO. She can help you determine what services are right for you, go over your quote, inform you of ways to save money on service and much more.