How much does an online therapist make?

How to get the most out of this page.


We encourage you to take the time to read this page and understand how to maximize your earnings as a 1099 contractor.


At the bottom of this page is a form. Fill out the short form to get an estimate of what you could make working with LHT.


Unlock your earning potential. Grow your impact helping students and do it all from the comfort of your home.

For an online therapist it is all about how much you make per Month NOT how much you make per hour.

Welcome to the world of being a 1099 contractor. Hours no longer determine your net income.

It all comes down to three things.

  1. How many services do you get to bill each month?
  2. How many expenses do you have?
  3. After you subtract your expenses how much money do you get to keep each month?

1099 is all about keeping billing/income high and expenses low. Your hourly rate matters less than you think. Look at the rest of this page and we'll show you why.


Billing/income = 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

(Subtract your expenses)

Expenses = 💰 💰

(What you're left with is your profit)

Profit/What you keep = 💰 💰 💰

(Keeping your billing HIGH and expenses LOW is how you WIN as a 1099 contractor

Access to tools that saves you money

When you work with Lighthouse Therapy, you get access to tools that save you money. In the previous section we talked about the importance of keeping your expenses low. Well here are some key ways that Lighthouse Therapy helps your bottom line.

Assessment Library (over $3,500 value)

Lighthouse Therapy provides access to a wide array of assessments and testing protocols. If you had to purchase these materials yourself, you would easily spend over $3,500 to get the basics. You can view a list of our Speech, OT and Behavioral and Mental Health assessments.

Cross-Licensure Reimbursement ($600 Value)

As on online therapist you are required to be licensed in the state you live in and the state your students reside in. For example, you live in Michigan and Lighthouse asks you to see students in Texas. You have your Michigan license, but have to pay to get your Texas license. Lighthouse Therapy will reimburse you for getting the Texas license.

There are three things you should know about this:

  • Lighthouse Therapy only does cross-license reimbursement if WE ask you to get the license.
  • Once you bill for services, you get reimbursed at a pro-rated amount of $100/month until you recoup your costs.
  • Cross-licensure reimbursement is NOT capped at $600. Our marketing team just used the average reimbursement cost to give you an idea of how much you might save.

Community and Mentoring ($630 Value)

Never feel alone. Our therapist community is active and engaged on Google Chat (Google's version of Slack). You can ask questions, get answers, make friends, and even post in the "Water Cooler" channel what fun things you've been up to.

New contractor's get paired with a personal mentor to help answer questions and make working with us a breeze.

Platform Access & Tech Support ($2,891 Value)

Access to Lighthouse Therapy's electronic medical record (EMR) system makes keeping track of your appointments, billing, and students' goals a breeze.

Access to Zoom for providing your teletherapy services

Live tech support from 8 AM - 8 PM EST. Our tech support is American based, and trained to know our systems forwards and backwards. If you run into a technical issue during a therapy session, we are available to help.

If the list above was  "Too long. Didn't read. (TL/DR)"

When you work strictly on your own

You pay for:

💰 Assessments and protocols
💰 Cross-Licensure state
filing fees
💰 Community and mentoring
💰 Platform access
💰 Live tech support

You pay for everything and are on your own.

When you work with Lighthouse

LHT provides access to:

✅ Assessments and protocols
✅ Cross-Licensure reimbursement
✅ Community and mentoring
✅ Platform access
✅ Live tech support

You get cost-savings and a community.

The necessary items listed above amount to $7,621/yr. in expenses.

With Lighthouse Therapy you can keep your 1099 costs LOW.



Make your time count

Bill for everything we ask you to do...

Many of our competitors do not allow therapists to bill for the items listed to the right. These tasks can add up to 30% of your time! This reduces a large amount of what you earn each month.

How much you may ask?

If you worked about forty hours per week it could add up to a loss of almost $4,000 each month!

If that's not shocking enough, that's about a $25/hr. pay cut. Ouch!



Lighthouse Therapy

✅ Group - Any Additional Student
✅ Parent/Teacher Communication
✅ No show or <24 hours cancelations
✅ IEP Planning/writing/attending time
✅ Set-up Time per student

Other Companies

❌ Group - Any Additional Student
❌ Parent/Teacher Communication
❌ No show or <24 hours cancelations
❌ IEP Planning/writing/attending time
❌ Set-up Time per student

Bottom line - Maximize your earnings

What have you earned at the end of the month? 

If you can only bill for 70% of your time, then you need to make $68/hr. vs. $45 to make a similar amount.

Then when you subtract the additional $7,621 in annual expenses things get real crazy! When that gets added in you need to make almost $30/hr. more!

That means if you were making $45/hr. from LHT, you may need $75/hr. from a competing company to earn approximately the same amount.

What affects my earnings the most?

Five things will affect your earnings. Those are:

  • Your caseload - The number of students you are willing to see has the greatest impact on your earning potential.
  • Your discipline - Some disciplines require more education, and are in greater demand. If your area of expertise falls in those categories, Lighthouse begins contract negotiations at a higher rate.
  • Years of experience - More experience translates to higher rates.
  • Teletherapy experience - Similar to overall experience, the more teletherapy experience you have translates to contracts being negotiated at a higher rate.


Other frequently asked questions

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The things outside of our control

  • Sometimes, it takes a few months for your caseload to build. But LHT has tight contracts that encourage schools to get you referrals quickly.
  • Cross-licensing to other states can take weeks or months. But LHT does all we can to guide you through the process and make it go as fast as possible.
  • Sometimes, students don't like their therapist. But at Lighthouse Therapy, we always seek to match the right therapist with the right student.

Some things are outside of our control, but we work with what's inside our control to give you the best possible outcomes.

Our Services

Now that pricing is cleared up. You may be wondering what services Lighthouse Therapy offers or what services are right for your school? Below is a list of our services along with links to pages that explain more about each service catagory.

Speech and Language Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Mental Health Services

School Psychology and Assessments
Behavioral Supports


Physical Therapy

Available now! Webpage coming soon.

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Corpus Christi, Texas 78418



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