"As a school psychologist, by working at Lighthouse Therapy, I have a unique opportunity to reach my students in an environment where they feel safe and supported in their home."
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Due to the nature of online therapy services, Lighthouse Therapy can provide services to any state in the United States. Our therapists are licensed and credentialed in the state in which they live and in the states in which they provide services.
(Lighthouse therapy also maintains the NPA certification requirement in California.)
We are a therapist run company that hires only highly qualified therapists. Our goal is to support our therapists in such a way that they are free to provide top-level services to all students. If our therapists feel they are appreciated and well compensated, they then spend all their energy delivering the kind of online services and teamwork that impact the outcomes of the students through the therapy process.
Therapists are required to be licensed and/or certified in the state in which they reside and the state in which they are providing services. Lighthouse Therapy will reimburse therapists for 100% of the cost of any required additional licenses or certifications outside of their home state. These fees will be agreed upon at the time of hire.
Beyond how the clinician looks on paper, our therapists must have a heart for children and the clinical knowledge and independent personal skills to deliver the best possible outcomes for our students. We offer paid orientation and one on one mentoring for the therapists. Our therapists are knowledgeable about our services and platform; ready to deliver engaging and caring services. We encourage and support continuous growth and improvement through networking and random session observations and documentation audits. We encourage our staff to ask questions and give feedback.
“Lighthouse Therapy has provided our organization with dependable, reliable, and professional, related services. What separates Lighthouse Therapy from other vendors, is their terrific customer service and quality human character.”– Tim Ribota, Ed. S., Director of Student Services, Pacific Charter Institute
“Janet pays attention to how many students we had the previous year, and has the therapists to cover services for ALL the students when school starts the next year”– Jacqueline Whitney, Lone Pine, California
“Lighthouse Therapy CARES!! They care about students first and foremost but also care about parents, schools, and therapists. Lighthouse Therapy services are provided by experienced therapists who care about students first! We partner with parents and educators to bring out the best in each student!” - Erin O'Connell, Ed.S., NCSP - Nationally Certified School Psychologist
Lighthouse Therapy realizes that therapists are at the heart of everything we do. We are not a company that matches therapists to school contracts then offers no further assistance. We are a company run by therapists, for therapists, for the betterment of students. We are here to support our therapists and make sure they have all the tools and administrative support to focus on what they love to do best, work with great kids! This is what sets us apart!
Other benefits of being an online therapist include:
Academic Achievement
Woodcock-Johnson IV: Tests of Academic Achievement (WJ-IV Ach)
Academic Achievement Battery (AAB)
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement- Third Edition (KTEA-3)
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test- Fourth Edition (WIAT-4)
Adaptive Behavior
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales- Third Edition (Vineland-3)
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition (ABAS-3)
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Sensory Profile 2
Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS)
Cognitive/ IQ
Woodcock-Johnson IV: Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-IV Cog)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales- Second Edition (RIAS-2)
Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test- Second Edition (RIST-2)
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence- Second Edition (CTONI-2)
Developmental Profile 4 (DP-4) **Fall 2020 release
Executive Functioning
Brown Executive Function/ Attention Scales
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function- Second Edition ADHD Form (BRIEF-2)
Processing Abilities
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills- Fourth Edition (TVPS-4)
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing- Second Edition (CTOPP-2)
The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration- Sixth Edition (VMI-6)
Woodcock-Johnson IV: Tests of Oral Language
TAPS-4: A Language Processing Skills Assessment
Social-Emotional/ Behavioral
Behavior Assessment System for Children- Third Edition (BASC-3)
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)
Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II)
Beck Youth Inventories-2 (BYI-2)
The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration- Sixth Edition (VMI-6)
Sensory Profile- 2
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills- Fourth Edition (TVPS-4)
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Processing Measure Preschool
Comprehensive Evaluation of Language Fundamentals 5 (CELF5)
Comprehensive Evaluation of Language Fundamentals 5 Metalinguistics (CELF5 Meta)
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool 3 (CELF Preschool-3)
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language Second Edition (CASL2)
Clinical Assessment of Pragmatics (CAPs)
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 3 (GFTA3)
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation- Third Edition (GFTA-3), Spanish
Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis 3 (KLPA3)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fifth Edition (PPVT5)
Expressive Vocabulary Test, Third Edition (EVT3)
A Student Support Specialist, usually a para-pro or teacher assistant, are responsible for getting the students to the computer, logging into the platform or meeting room, and troubleshooting any problems. They take on the responsibilities of working in coordination with the therapist to make sure the student attends and completes activities as directed by the therapist. As therapists, we refer to these people as our “hands and feet” at the school site.
Lighthouse Therapy will provide training for Student Support Specialists specific to our platform and answer any questions they may have.
Yes. Lighthouse Therapy provides a variety of standardized assessments and informal assessments for every discipline we provide to meet the needs for initial and three-year reassessments. Our therapists are competent with the administration of these assessments and the ethical administration of assessments through the online format.
The assessment reports provided are comprehensive and address all areas related to the student's educational and functional needs. By taking a comprehensive approach to testing, the possibility of a child's deficit being overlooked is eliminated.
Yes, we can. Our therapists can perform all Case Management services.
Depending on the districts needs, our therapists can provide any aspect of case management. Our therapists can write and manage the IEP, conduct IEP meetings, affirm the IEP, whatever is needed. They will ensure secure communication between parents, teachers, and other members of the IEP team. The therapists can attend all IEP meetings virtually-either through our platform, another video conference system, or a telephone conference. The comfort level of the school is the only limiter for our therapists. By providing them access to the district’s online IEP system, they will be able to supply student information and progress reports.