Four Must Know Resources for Compensatory Education
School leaders and parents are talking about what learning was lost during the pandemic, and how that will affect services for the coming school year.
The problem with Compensatory Services is that there is no simple answer for what the school is responsible for and what the student is entitled to. The idea of Compensatory Services is all based on Case Law (situational decisions from prior court hearings). To understand your school or student’s situation requires some research. You’ll have to understand how your situation compares to prior court decisions. Below are four must-know resources for compensatory education.
If you are a school leader or parent wondering what
- Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates based out of Maryland
- What are parents and advocates watching?
- Google Scholar
- – Click on “Case law,” then select the Courts you wish to search, state and federal. Enter as your search term the following, with the quotation marks: “individuals with disabilities education act” “compensatory education”
If you are concerned that your school may be in danger of a lawsuit. Lighthouse Therapy has a free resource called “Ways to Prevent and Survive Due Process Successfully”*
Disclaimer – “Ways to Prevent and Survive Due Process Successfully” is not legal advice. Always consult a legal professional if you or your school system are facing litigation.