Easy to use

All your resources in one place


No downloading required
HIPAA and FERPA compliant
256-bit in-transit data encryption


Integrates with all education models

You want to give students the services
they deserve post COVID-19.

But there's a problem...

  • You have to create plans A, B, C, and D for next year
  • You're trying to figure out if your district is going back face-to-face
  • No one has given you a road map for online or a blended model
  • You don't have the tools necessary to service your students
  • You are short on therapists
  • You feel unsure how to proceed
Lighthouse Therapy has an online system that integrates with all education models. So no matter what happens, you can move forward and feel confident about your decision.

The benefits of teletherapy

Connect From anywhere

Our convenient online therapy is equal to in-person services in most cases.

Improve test scores

When you fully meet the needs of each student, their test scores go up.

alleviate Anxiety

No more open therapy positions or missed sessions!

Reduce Workload

No more complaint calls regarding lack of therapy services!

Pay as you go

Stop paying therapists for driving to each location. Only pay for your sessions.

Working with us is easy!

You're only three steps away from having a plan for next year, no matter what education model your district chooses.


We understand you’re busy. Schedule a time to talk that works best for you.


We don’t give a “one size fits all option” each proposal is customized to your school’s needs.


Have confidence in your decision and stop worrying about next year's plan.
You are only charged based on your student’s needs. | Contracts can be canceled with a 30-day notice. We guarantee that you will love your therapist(s)

Feel confident about
next year's plan.

  • Nearly a decade of online therapy experience
  • 256-bit in-transit data encryption (We use the same security as your bank)
  • Licensed and certified in all 50 states including California NPA certification
  • Comprehensive online assessments for all disciplines
  • A waitlist of therapists ready tor work with you
"Lighthouse Therapy has provided our organization with dependable, reliable, and professional, related services. What separates Lighthouse Therapy from other vendors, is their terrific customer service and quality human character."
Tim Ribota, Ed. S.,
Director of Student Services, Pacific Charter Institute

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(Six Lessons)

So you can be fully equipped to teach online

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Lighthouse Therapy LLC BBB Business Review

Corpus Christi, Texas 78418



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