Which Is Better? Online or Face-to-Face Service?
Which is better? Online or face-to-face service? Well, the answer is, “It depends.”
Do you need access to therapists that you can’t hire in your area? Do you need new ways to help students feel comfortable with counseling? What about assessments? Do you need those done quickly? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then online learning may be right for your district.
However, If your district has poor internet speeds or few devices per student, then maybe it’s not the best option for your school right now.
Regardless, a key takeaway is online learning is a tool that can be helpful. Keep in mind that this tool, while popularized by the pandemic, is not new. Before the pandemic, 57% of students were using some version of a digital learning platform. If you are just beginning to experience online learning think about this. Less than ten years ago streaming music, TV, and gaming services didn’t exist. Now it’s hard for many of us to imagine our lives without them. With that in mind, think about what online learning may be like in less than ten years from now.
The question is not, “Which is better?” Instead, we need to ask, “Which one is best for your students?”