Core Principles: Traits and Action Plans
Assuming you’ve read the last blog posts, you now have established meaning for yourself and created a mission statement to remind you of your drive towards your goals. Now what? Where do I go from here? Today, it’s time to make an action plan and make it a reality! To do this, we need to identify two things: traits and actions.
The Perfect Achiever
Before we dive into traits and actions, I want to do a quick exercise to help take the next steps. I want you to imagine the image of success that we mentioned in the last blog posts. Now, take this further by imagining the perfect person to complete these goals. Start picturing in your mind what their day might look like and what steps they take daily to achieve these goals.
Identifying Traits of Success
Once you have a clear image of this person in your mind, take the time to write down three to five traits this person would have. These traits could be things like dedication, perseverance, or even strong willpower. Write as many down as possible and circle the top five most important ones to achieving your goal.
This could also be a great way to search for candidates when creating a team. At Lighthouse Therapy we value the traits of honesty, guidance, faith, growth, and respect. We search for this in each of our team members to make sure we stay on track to being a company we can take pride in.
Identifying Daily Actions
Now, in a similar way to the last step, think about actions that the “Perfect Achiever” likely takes every day to inch closer to their goals. Again write as many as possible and circle the top three to five most important actions to accomplish your mission.
We can walk much farther than we can run. In the same way, we achieve more when taking small daily steps rather than drastic weekly or monthly steps. Real change takes time and persistence. Daily steps will help you get much further.
The Last Step: Do Not Wait.
Arguably the most important step is actually taking a step. It often takes only five minutes to make a year’s worth of change. Now that we’ve reached the end, take a sticky note or scrap piece of paper and write down these actions. Once you have them set, put them in a highly visible area to remind yourself every day to do them.
The biggest mistake people make when creating goals is stopping at creation. Take action for a week a month or a few months and you will absolutely see change. Take small steps, and before you know it, you’re much farther than you began.